Task 20 - Solar Energy in Building Renovation

Solar Renovation Concepts and Systems
November 1999 - PDF 18.8MB
Editor: Andreas Haller, Ernst Schweizer AG, Metallbau
This report discusses strategies for cost reduction of solar renovation concepts and systems and documents 13 development projects. It contains designs for specific renovation projects, including general concept studies based on housing projects, product developments and research projects. Most of the projects are related to glazed balconies, solar wall heating with transparent insulation, solar thermal collectors, and preheating ventilation air.
Solar Renovation Demonstration Projects
October 1998 - PDF 1.39MB
Editor: Olaf Bruun Jørgensen, Esbensen Consulting Engineers, FIDIC
Document Number: Task 20 STC N20
This report documents 16 different solar renovation demonstration projects including the design processes of the projects. The projects include the renovation of houses, schools, laboratories, and factories. Several solar techniques were used: building integrated solar collectors, glazed balconies, ventilated solar walls, transparent insulation, second skin facades, daylight elements and photovoltaic systems. These techniques are used in several simple as well as more complex system designs.